The Yasser Arafat Foundation held its 14th Board of Trustees meeting in Cairo.


The Yasser Arafat Foundation held its 14th Board of Trustees meeting on Sunday, 19/2/2023, at the headquarters of the Arab League Secretariat in Cairo, Egypt. The majority of the Council's members in addition to prominent Arab and Palestinian figures attended the meeting.

Dr. Mamdouh Al-Abadi, Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees welcomed the guests and asked everybody to observe a minute of silence and to recite Al-Fatiha for the spirit of the founding president, Yasser Arafat, and the martyrs of Palestine, the Arab and Muslim people.

Al-Abadi stated that we are convening here today to express our gratitude and faithfulness to the soul of the late President Yasser Arafat by going onward on his path. 

Dr. Saeed Abu Ali, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, delivered a speech on behalf of the Secretary-General of the Arab League and conveyed his greetings to the audience. Abu Ali, plead mercy for the late President Yasser Arafat and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Palestine and for those who died in the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. He noted that the 14th meeting of the Yasser Arafat Foundation's Board of Trustees is a tribute and an expression of gratitude to the spirit of Yasser Arafat and his blessed mission which has been continued by his companion, President Mahmoud Abbas.
He announced, "From Cairo, the capital of Pan -Arabism, the city which Yasser Arafat loved, and the House of Arabs- the Arab League which has been embracing the Palestinian struggle: we declare our support to the Yasser Arafat Foundation for its great contributions and effective role in promoting the Palestinian cause and all the segments of the Palestinian society ".

Abu Ali pointed out that the Palestinian cause is going through a difficult period as a result of the challenges from the entire world which has been trying to change its political content to a humanitarian issue. He called upon the Arabs to be fully alert in defending the Palestinian cause at the international level until the Palestinian state is established on the borders of June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Abu Ali asked the international community to increase its efforts and impose sanctions on Israel for breaching international law “The Security Council must impose the international will  by implementing the two states solution”

Dr. Said assured that the Palestinian people shall remain determined to continue with their struggle until Palestine and its capital,( Al-Qudis Al-Sharif) are liberated. He ended his speech by applauding the efforts of the Yasser Arafat Foundation in preserving the legacy of the late leader.

Hossam Khader, Assistant for Palestinian affairs at Egypt’s Foreign Ministry delivered the speech on behalf of the Arab Republic of Egypt and conveyed the greetings of the Egyptian Foreign Minister Mr. Sameh Shukry.

Khader stated, " The last time we held such a meeting was four years ago at Beit Al-Arab because of the consecutive challenges which overshadowed the Palestinian cause. Indeed, that was a difficult period for the entire world because of the extraordinary situation which emerged from the Coronavirus epidemic."  He maintained that given the widespread terror, hatred, and racism, the only way to ensure support for the Palestinian cause is through joint Arab action. He continued: “ A comprehensive and just solution for the Palestinian cause based on a Palestinian State on the the1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital shall remain the strategic option for the Arabs”. 

Ambassador Khader applauded the Foundation for its key role in commemorating and remembering the legacy of the late martyr Yasser Arafat alongside its role in enhancing the Palestinian identity through its activities for children, women, and youth in particular.
In the same context, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Arab Republic of Egypt (Thyab Al-Loh),  relayed to the audience President Mahmoud Abbas'  greetings and support at the annual Board meeting of the Foundation. 

 He added: "The President who was a comrade of the martyr Arafat and his partner in the struggle honored me to speak on his behalf at the annual meeting of the Foundation which embraces on its board and in its various institutions some of the most competent, distinctive and high caliber Arab and Palestinian intellectuals and freedom seekers ".

He underlined the fact that the occupying power implements the Israeli law which aims at eliminating our existence everywhere and he urged the world to enable the Palestinians to attain their legitimate rights and reminded them that any attempt to undermine the Palestinian cause is doomed to fail.

Al-Louh explained that the "Yasser Arafat Foundation" is a large and eclectic national institution. It bears the name of the ever-remembered martyr Abu Ammar. All its outputs and components are guided by this noble, patriotic image that the late leader painted and scribed to become a beacon that will illuminate the path for all generations.

Following the inauguration session, the acting Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Directors ( Mr. Ali Muhanna,), presented the foundation's annual administrative and financial report for the year 2022. The report provided detailed information about the Foundation’s branches, activities, and the museum.
It should be noted that the Yasser Arafat Foundation holds its regular annual Board of Trustees meetings at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo. The council consists of app. seventy renowned Arab and Palestinian members and is chaired by Dr. Mamdouh Al-Abadi while its extension the Board of Directors has 11 members and is chaired by Dr. Ali Muhanna as an acting director.