Basic Documents

Balfour Declaration (1917)
British Mandate on Palestine (1922)
United Nations General Assembly resolution 181 (1947)
United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 (1948)
Palestinian National Charter (1964)
United National Security Council resolution 242 (1967)
Palestinian National Charter (1968)
United Nations General Assembly resolution 3236 (1974)
Ten Point Program (1974)
Yasser Arafat speech to the UNGA1974
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (1979)
PLO-Israel Mutual Recognition – PLO letter (1993)
Declaration of Principles (Oslo I, 1993)
PLO-Israel mutual Recognition – Israel letter (1993)
Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty (Wadi ‘Araba, 1994)
Oslo II Accords (1995)
Wye River Memorandum (1998)
Road Map for Peace in the Middle East (2002-2003)
Road Map for Peace in the Middle East (2002-2003)
Amended Basic Law of the Palestinian National Authority (2003)
Amended Basic Law of the Palestinian National Authority (2003)
Palestinian Declaration of Independence
Annapolis Declaration: Israeli-Palestinian Joint Understanding (2007)
Annapolis Declaration: Israeli-Palestinian Joint Understanding (2007)
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's Middle East Peace Initiative (2014)
United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 (2016)
United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 (2016)
Trump's Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel (2017)
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