His Eminence Sheikh Mohammad Hussein and His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah 2017


His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah:

Born in Nazareth in 1993, Patriarch Sabbah began his priestly studies at the Latin Patriarchal Seminary of Beit Jala in 1949, and continued his studies in higher education to serve in the pastoral and educational fields.  He was appointed President of Bethlehem University in 1980 and in 1987, was appointed by Pope John II as the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, becoming the first Palestinian to hold the office of the highest-ranking Roman Catholic prelate in the Holy Land.

Patriarch Sabbah was one of the main authors and signatories of the Kairos Palestine document issued in 2009, as a “word to the world” by Palestinian Christians on the situation in Palestine and the injustice practiced against Palestinians in front of the world.

President Mahmoud Abbas appointed him in 2009 as a member of the Islamic-Christian Commission in support of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites.  In 2012, he became the Christian president of the Commission.

Patriarch Sabbah’s compassion, promotion of national unity, prominence in the religious, social and educational fields, and unwavering commitment to achieving the rights and aspirations of his people for freedom, independence and the establishment of the State of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, have earned him the highest regard among all Palestinians.

His Eminence Sheikh Mohammad Hussein 

Born in Jerusalem in 1950, Sheikh Hussein pursued most of his education at Al Aqsa Mosque, and graduated from Al Aqsa Secondary School in 1969, then continued studies in higher education, becoming the director of the Islamic Waqf Department.  He then served for 20 years as imam and manager of Al Aqsa Mosque, which were notable for his achievements, including resistance and steadfastness against the attacks of the Israeli occupation forces.  In 2006, he was appointed by President Mahmoud Abbas Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine. 

In addition to his position as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein is a founder and member of numerous institutions, educational and religious councils, charities, and prominent Palestinian, Arab and International endowments.  He is the Chairman of the Supreme Fatwa Council and sits on the advisory board of the Faculty of Qur’an and Islamic Studies.

His Eminence is renowned for his national, religious and cultural contributions and his compassion for people and their concerns.  He is a representation of the religious, just, and enlightened figure who consistently addresses national, religious, humanely affirmative issues in his preaching to promote goodwill and fight injustice and occupation – that have earned him the love and respect of Palestinians and enabled him to play an effective role in serving the country, including Jerusalem and its holy sites.