Palestinian Red Crescent Association 2009


The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is an officially recognised, national humanitarian organisation that enjoys an independent juridical personality. As a member of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the PRCS exercises its mandate in Palestine and the Diaspora in line with the Geneva Conventions as well as the Movement’s basic principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. 

On 26 December 1968, the PRCS was officially founded as an extension of charitable red crescent societies, which had been established in some Palestinian cities, including Jaffa and Jerusalem, in the first quarter of the past century. 

The PRCS initiated healthcare service delivery in a small clinic in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan. It was, then, dedicated as a society with an independent personality according to a decision made in the Palestine National Council’s 6th Session of 1 September 1969 in Cairo. Ever since, the PRCS has been a pivotal social and healthcare body of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). It now employs staff members and has tens of thousands of Palestinian, Arab and foreign volunteers. 

During its career, the PRCS has worked on three major areas: (1) developing human resources; (2) diversifying services; and (3) building and upgrading healthcare and social centres and institutions. The PRCS’s emblem is a red crescent on a white ground. In line with the Geneva Conventions and Palestinian laws, the emblem is posted on all PRCS centres, paperwork, publications and ambulances.  

The PRCS, including respective branches, divisions, units and installations, enjoy all privileges and immunities enshrined in international conventions. 

The PRCS’s mission is to provide humanitarian assistance, health and social services to the Palestinian people. It works towards preventing and alleviating human suffering, protecting life and health, and ensuring respect for the human being in times of peace and armed conflict and other emergencies. The PRCS also works for the prevention of disease and for the promotion of health and social welfare among the Palestinian people, protecting them against various diseases and promoting public health and social welfare. 

As a member of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the PRCS seeks to materialise the following goals: 

* Disseminate basic principles of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent within the Palestinian society. 

* Prepare for and provide assistance to all victims of war and armed conflicts, including both civilians and military personnel, transport casualties and ill civilians, and prepare needed shelters and treatment. 

* Regulate and providing first aid services. 

* Contribute to providing healthcare, preventive and therapeutic services to the Palestinian people based on available resources and capacities. 

* Contribute to providing and enhancing social and humanitarian programmes targeting the Palestinian people. 

* Coordinate with various agencies to develop the National Disaster Response Programme. 

* Contribute to searching for missing persons, reunifying disaster-affected families, and offering assistance to prisoners. 

* Strengthen relations with Arab and foreign red crescent and red cross societies, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and other international humanitarian associations and nongovernmental organisations. 

* Contribute to promoting national social development programmes, especially those targeting vulnerable groups and marginalised areas. 

PRCS programmes target the Palestinian society as a whole, including refugees. Taking a special account of vulnerable groups, the Society provides a package of services, including: 

* First aid and emergency;  

* Primary and secondary healthcare;  

* Psychological wellbeing;  

* Disaster response; 

* Rehabilitation and capacity building for persons with special needs; 

* Various social services; and 

* Voluntary services 

To further diversify and expand service provision as well as to better target beneficiaries, the PRCS has established in Palestine and in countries hosting Palestinian refugees numerous hospitals, first aid and emergency centres, primary healthcare facilities, psychological wellbeing, rehabilitation and capacity building centres, disaster response units, general and specialised clinics and other installations.