Yasser Arafat Museum officially opens in Ramallah in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Arab League


President Mahmoud Abbas officially opened the Yasser Arafat Museum, in the presence of Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmad Aboul Gheit and former Secretary-Generals Amro Moussa and Nabil Elaraby. 
Abbas spoke “Seeing this great achievement that embodies and preserves the heritage and legacy of Yasser Arafat on the ground where he was besieged brings us a lot of joy.” 
Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of YAF said “The Museum aims to present to the people of Palestine and to the world, the narrative of the Palestinian National Movement through the life and work of Yasser Arafat.  Through its artifacts and items, the Museum is a bridge that links the past and the present.”
Yasser Arafat Museum narrates the history of the Palestinian cause through photos, video and audio recordings and some of the personal items.
The Museum will open to public on Thursday 10th of November 2016, with the commemoration of the 12th anniversary of the passing of Yasser Arafat.