The Martyr Abu Jihad Secondary School Wins the National Knowledge Competition in Its 7th Season


The Martyr Abu Jihad Secondary School for Boys, located in Qabatiya, claimed first place in the National Knowledge Competition in its 7th season for the year 2023/2024. This victory was achieved in the final round held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at Al-Muntada Hall in the Yasser Arafat Museum.

The event was attended by Entesar Al-Wazir, a member of the Board of Directors of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, Dr. Ahmed Soboh, the General Director of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, Saadeq Al-Khudour, the Assistant Undersecretary for Student Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Hamed Abu Makhoo, the Director General of Activities at the Ministry of Education, representatives from the foundation and the ministry, parents of participating students, and some students from various schools.

The Abu Shakidam Secondary School for Girls, from the Birzeit district, secured second place in the qualifiers. At the same time, the Hussein bin Ali Secondary School for Boys, from the Hebron Directorate of Education, claimed third place.

During the event, Dr. Soboh delivered a welcoming speech to the audience, in which he paid tribute to the martyrs of Gaza who fell victim to the ongoing aggression of the occupation on Gaza and to all Palestinian martyrs. He wished freedom for the prisoners and a speedy recovery for the wounded.

Dr.Soboh also greeted the students of the Deir al-Ghusun Secondary School for Girls, from the Tulkarm Directorate, which was prevented by the occupation forces from participating in the semifinals due to their invasion of the town. However, they will be honored later.

He emphasized the importance of the competition in enhancing Palestinian knowledge and national identity among students, expanding their knowledge horizons, and preserving the legacy of the Palestinian national movement and its struggle.

He noted that this year marked the 7th season of the competition but without students from Gaza due to the savage aggression launched by the occupation on trees, humans, and stones, destroying the entire infrastructure and livelihoods in Gaza, including educational institutions such as schools, kindergartens, universities, and educational centers.

Dr.Soboh expressed the foundation's pride in its partnership with the Ministry of Education and its cooperation with directorates, schools, students, and supervisors in promoting this competition, which is considered a gem among the foundation's programs. He also mentioned the continuous collaboration with the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation to convey the message and goal of the competition to all Palestinian households through their screens. He affirmed that the foundation is open to the Ministry of Education for suggestions to evaluate, correct, and develop the competition after seven successful seasons.

In turn, Al-Khudour extended greetings to our people in Gaza, its students, and its teachers on behalf of Minister Dr. Amjad Barham.

He said, "The bet was that the elders die and the young forget, but the prophecy of Yasser comes through his foundation and this competition that this generation does not forget its right and clings to it to achieve the Palestinian dream of a state and its capital, Jerusalem."

Al-Khudour added that this year marks the 7th season of the competition, which is a tributary of cultural and national knowledge for students, their teachers, their parents, and their community. He indicated that the ministry will work on integrating the "Hundred Years" material related to the Yasser Arafat Foundation and the museum presentation within the educational material for students. He extended greetings to all participating students, their families, and those involved in the competition from the ministry's staff, directorates, and the Yasser Arafat Foundation.

The ceremony concluded with the honoring of the winners and participants, and the distribution of prizes to the winning teams, which included:

- First prize: A laptop computer and a cash prize of four hundred dollars for each of the three students from the Martyr Abu Jihad Secondary School for Boys, from the Qabatiya district.
- Second prize: An iPad and a cash prize of three hundred dollars for each of the students from the Abu Shakidam Secondary School for Girls.
- Third prize: A tablet and a cash prize of two hundred dollars for each of the three students from the Hussein bin Ali Secondary School for Boys, from the Hebron Directorate of Education.