Yasser Arafat Foundation commemorates the national leader Faisal Al-Husseini's birth anniversary


On Monday, July 17, 2023, the Yasser Arafat Foundation commemorated the birth anniversary of the national leader, Faisal Al-Husseini, in Al-Muntada Hall of the Yasser Arafat Museum.

The event began with the Palestinian national anthem, followed by a minute of silence and recitation of Al-Fatiha on the souls of President Yasser Arafat, leader Faisal Al-Husseini, and all Palestinian martyrs.
Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Director General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, welcomed those in attendance and stated that the event is part of the Foundation's "In National Memory" program, which highlights the symbols and companions of the late President Yasser Arafat.

From Al- Muntada hall beside the tomb of the founding president, Soboh added, "The Foundation is commemorating the birth of the national leader, Faisal Al-Husseini, in honor and loyalty to him, and for what he contributed to Palestine." Soboh also highlighted some of the personal elements of Al-Husseini's life, adding, "We learned a lot from the national leader Faisal Al-Husseini, the most important of which is unity, and work for Palestine and Jerusalem, whatever the price."
The Foundation screened "Prince of Jerusalem," a film it made that examines the late Faisal Abdel Qader Al-Husseini's background and career, as well as his commitment to the Palestinian cause and revolution, particularly in Jerusalem.

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Chair of Birzeit University's Board of Trustees, stated that we honor Faisal al-Hassani out of allegiance to him and all those who have died, as a type of belonging to those who come after them. And she continued, Al-Husseini has distinct fingerprints, recalling some of the positions she had with him, and his priorities were Jerusalem, and he gathered all of Jerusalem's activities and unified all of its factions.

Ashrawi explained that Al-Husseini paid a high price in defending the Liberation Organization, the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and fought all the battles while also working on political organization, institution building, and intellectual, physical, and political resistance to the occupation.

And in a family address presented by the leader's son,  Abdul Qadir,  stated that his father used to reckon with him, and if he said something he would do it, and he trusted in the might of our Palestinian people. Abdul Qadir concluded with family and personal memories of the leader Faisal Al-Husseini.
Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Fadi Al-Hadmi, members of the Executive Committee, key "FATH" movement and Revolutionary Council members, and numerous public figures attended the event.

The late Al-Husseini was born on July 17, 1940, in Baghdad, and his father is the martyr Abd Al-Qader Al-Husseini, the leader of the Palestinian troops in the Battle of Al-Qastal.

During his university studies in Cairo, he met the late leader, the martyr Yasser Arafat, and participated in the Arab nationalist movement in 1957, as well as the establishment of the Palestinian Student Organization in 1959, which later became the nucleus of the Palestine Liberation Organization.