Yasser Arafat Foundation visits the governorate of Tulkarm


On Tuesday, 6/6/2023, a team from the Yasser Arafat Foundation, led by its Director General, Dr. Ahmed Soboh, and his accompanying group, paid a visit to Tulkarm Governorate to introduce the programs, and operations of the foundation. Issam Abu Bakr, Governor of Tulkarm, welcomed the delegation.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh met with several local community institutions, as well as official and unofficial organizations in the governorate.

The meeting opened with the Palestinian national anthem, followed by a minute of silence and recitation of Al-Fatiha on the soul of martyr President Yasser Arafat and all Palestinian martyrs.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh said that the fundamental purpose of the Yasser Arafat Foundation is to commemorate the history of the founding leader Yasser Arafat, as well as, to preserve his material and moral legacy.

Dr. Ahmed Sobh presented the Foundation's programs and activities to the audience, including the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award 2023, the National Knowledge Competition, Yasser Arafat Summer Camps, the Yasser Arafat archive and products, commemorating the founding leader's martyrdom, and a program from the national memory, "The  Companions of the Path" and the Land Ownership Program of refugees.

Dr. Soboh invited the audience to visit the Yasser Arafat Museum, which is regarded as the crown gem of the foundation's work, and to witness the museum display that depicts the history of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian conflict with the occupation over the last 100 years. Dr. Soboh also, explained the annual Yasser Arafat Award, its procedure, its requirements, and how to run for it, urging participants to nominate.

An introductory film about the Yasser Arafat Foundation and the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award was screened at the end of the two meetings.