Nominations for the "Yasser Arafat Award of Achievement" for 2023 are opened


During a press conference held at its Ramallah headquarters on, Wednesday, 3/5/2023, the Yasser Arafat Foundation announced the opening of nominations for the "Yasser Arafat Achievement Award" for the year 2023.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Director General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, met with the media and emphasized the importance of their role in transmitting and disseminating the announcement of opening the nominations for the prize to the broadest possible audience.

He pointed out that the award has enormous material and moral significance, thus the foundation is concerned with conveying the award's message to all those interested in and working for Palestine's growth in all areas.

Dr. Ola Awad, Chairperson of the Award Committee, stated that the purpose of this conference is to confirm the continuation of the work to publish the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award for the 17th year in a row, and to award it to individuals, institutions, and bodies that demonstrated creativity and distinguished achievement that has an impact and returns.

She went on to say that the Foundation bestows the award to an individual, a work team, or an institution each year in celebration of their achievements in the domains of national, cultural, social, economic, and practical/academic work.

She stated that a special committee reviews the submissions submitted to the Foundation and selects the winner of the award, which includes the patent of the award, a symbolic figure, and a cash prize of $25,000.

Dr. Ola Awad explained that the award committee will evaluate only what it receives and will not fill any deficiencies and that based on a careful evaluation of the nominations submitted, it will include several candidates who have been found eligible to win the award in a short list, and the winner will be chosen from among them after additional evaluation.

Nomination Conditions:
1. The candidate should be alive and well, whether he is a Palestinian or a non-Palestinian, an existing institution or a work team that has provided or is continuing to provide great services to Palestine through their work and activities in the national, economic, social, cultural, or academic fields. 
2. The nomination be provided by a Palestinian or Arab organization or legal entity, or by a legal person with competence and a recognized professional reputation, and applications from applicants themselves to receive the award are not accepted.
3. The subject of the nomination should not be restricted to a specific activity of the candidate, whether an individual or an organization, but rather to the candidate's total activity.
4. An official letter from two independent bodies, whatever they are (legal people or legal entities), shall be used declaring that they know the candidate and have information and knowledge of his actions in the nomination file.
5. The entity submitting the nomination application and the candidates are responsible for providing conclusive and clear evidence that confirms the validity of what was stated in the nomination file, as nomination applications that are not documented in writing will be rejected.
6. The entity submitting for candidacy must get the consent of candidates, whether an individual or an organization, by adding an official letter to the nomination application expressing its acceptance of the nomination and wish to compete for the award.
7. In the case of people, the entity submitting for candidacy shall include a copy of the candidate's CV as well as a copy of his identity card or passport. In the case of nominated institutions, the applicant must present a copy of the institution's certificate and date of registration, as well as a detailed description of its purpose, articles of organization, board of directors, and objectives, as well as its accomplishments.
8. The nomination applications must be filed by the above requirements by July 31, 2023.