The 54th meeting of the Yasser Arafat Foundation's Board of Directors


 Yasser Arafat Foundation's Board of Directors held its 54th meeting on Saturday, 2/18/2023, in Cairo, Egypt, chaired by acting Board Director Prof. Ali Muhanna, and Dr. Mamdouh Al-Abadi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The Council observed a minute of silence during which the participants recited Al- Fatiha for the soul of Yasser Arafat and the martyrs of Palestine as well as for the martyrs of the Arab and Muslim people. 

The Council examined and evaluated the state of play at the foundation. The next day, the Board of Trustees held its 14th meeting at the premises of the Arab League.

Moreover, the Council members discussed the events and activities that were carried out by the Foundation and the Museum, including the tasks of the related committees and future developmental programs. The Council approved the final administrative and financial reports which the Board of Directors will present to the Board of Trustees during its 14th session meeting.