“Appeal from Palestine to the Peoples and States of the World” Has Reached More Than 1,000 Signatories (29/6/2020)


The unofficial Palestinian personalities continue to work on the “Appeal from Palestine to the Peoples and States of the World” against Israeli annexation threats.  Signatories to the Appeal now number| more than 1,000 unofficial Palestinian personalities from all walks of life and all places of residence.

The Appeal is being distributed to key, influential governmental and nongovernmental components of the international community, as well as the media.  Such initiatives are crucial to ensure the necessary measures and serious positions are taken against Israeli threats and to hold Israel accountable should it take any step to implement annexation.

The Appeal urges the international community to affirm its position, by various means, against any annexation by Israel of Palestinian territories as a grave violation of the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, as well as in flagrant violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The Appeal also reaffirms the need for all States to take specific and serious measures against settlements, settlers, and Israeli officials responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including annexation, and Trump’s “Vision.”