Press Conference on “Appeal from Palestine to the Peoples and States of the World” to Confront Israeli Threats to Annex Palestinian Territories (20/6/2020)


A coalition of Palestinian bodies and organizations held a press conference on Saturday, 20 June 2020, in Al-Muntada Hall at Yasser Arafat Museum, to present the “Appeal from Palestine to the Peoples and States of the World” calling on the international community to take all necessary measures to confront the Israeli threats to annex Palestinian territories.

Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yasser Arafat Foundation emphasized that the Appeal is a call from all of the signatories, not just from the institutions that have coordinated this important step to send a clear and strong message to the international community of the required actions, which will be followed up on in extensive dialogue with all components of the international community. 

The signatories on the Appeal number around 700 unofficial Palestinian personalities from all walks of life representing sectors of the Palestinian people.  Among the signatories are former officials, including three former prime ministers, former ministers, leaders of Palestinian parties and factions, people close to the national and Islamic forces, and local, feminist, religious, and academic personalities, businessmen and businesswomen, artists, writers, and activists in different fields.  The process of collecting signatures is ongoing; the Appeal and current signatories will be published on media outlets on Sunday, 21 June 2020, and intensive efforts with the international community are continuing. 

Dr. Alkidwa explained that the Appeal urges the international community to affirm its position, by various means, against any annexation by Israel of Palestinian territories as a grave violation to the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, as well as in flagrant violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions.  In addition, the Appeal expresses the need for all States to abide by relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2334 (2016), specifically to not recognize any changes to the 1967 borders.  All States with relations or cooperation agreements with Israel must commit to the principle of distinction between Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reject any attempt by Israel to disparage this principle.

The Appeal reaffirms the need for all States to take specific measures against settlements, settlers and settlement products, including preventing such products from entering their markets, in implementation of the legal contractual obligations of States (third parties) in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949.

Dr. Alkidwa further stated that Israel 's annexation of any centimeter of Palestinian land constitutes an attack not only on the Palestinian people, but also on any possibility of any negotiated solution, international law, and the entire international system.  He then responded to the journalists’ questions about the vision and impact of the Appeal and the action(s) to be subsequently taken. 

Mr. Shawan Jabarin, General Director of Al-Haq, made a brief statement about the Appeal.  He stressed that signing the Appeal and following up on it is not an alternative to the responsibility of each citizen and Palestinian official, that other actions need to be taken within the framework of confronting the threats of annexation. 

Copies of the Appeal in Arabic, English, Spanish and French were distributed to all journalists at the end of the press conference, as was the list of signatories in Arabic and English. 

Representatives of the coordinating team attending the press conference included: 

The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR); Yasser Arafat Foundation; Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies – MASARAT; Palestinian Network of NGOs (PNGO); Al-Ard Research & Study Center; Private Sector Coordination Council  (PSCC); Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA); National Assembly of Independent Personalities; Al-Haq Organization; and Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA).

It is important to note that the coordinating team met with foreign representatives (heads of representative offices, consuls general and the United Nations) on Thursday,18 June 2020, to submit and discuss the Appeal.