Training Workshops for the Supervisors and Staff of Yasser Arafat Summer Camps


Yasser Arafat Foundation begins its first training session for the staff and supervisory team of the Yasser Arafat summer camps on the 14th of June 2017, in Bethlehem.

The first workshop session is taking place in Lajee Center in Aida Refugee Camp, for the staff and supervisors from Bethlehem and Hebron.  The second workshop will be held in Balata Refugee Camp for staff coming from Nablus and Tulkarem.  The third and last workshop session will be organized at Yasser Arafat Foundation in Ramallah.

The workshop sessions mainly focus on introducing and explaining the objectives of the summer camps that include educating children about the legacy and heritage of Yasser Arafat through different activities.  The main objective of the summer camps is to provide educational and recreational opportunities for the youth through different activities, including drama, theater, music, visual arts, handicrafts and many others.

Yasser Arafat Summer Camps are organized for the second consecutive year by the Foundation in nine locations around the West Bank.