Interview with Dr. Nasser Alkidwa on Settler Colonialism


In an exclusive interview at Panorama on Al Arabiya T.V, Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yasser Arafat Foundation and member of the Central Committee of Fatah, spoke about the Israeli law recently passed by the Knesset (Parliament) that legalizes tens of outposts built on privately owned Palestinian lands in the West Bank.  He asserts that there should be a comprehensive confrontation against settler colonialism activities, by mobilizing Palestinian masses to resist settlements with all forms of activism: work off at settlements, carry out demonstrations, civil disobedience and boycott of settlement products.  The following step includes utilizing available international tools, including previous Security Council resolutions and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in order to build an integrated legal system that takes punitive measures against settlements, settlers and bodies working at the Occupied Palestinian Territory. He also added that the international community must abide scrupulously by its legal obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention for the year 1949 and other legal agreements. 

Dr. Alkidwa said that we must drag Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC), either to strengthen the current procedures carried out by the general prosecutor of the Court, or file direct lawsuit against war crimes perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  He also incorporated the incessant measures carried out by Israel to the lack of Arab support to the Palestinian case in light of the threats and challenges currently facing the Arab countries due to internal conflicts as well as the new U.S. Administration.  However, Israeli right-wing parties consider the new U.S. Administration as the green light to upsurge their acts of provocation against Palestinians.

Dr. Nasser Alkidwa affirms that this “law” negates the peace process and any political solution; nonetheless, this threat cannot undermine the Palestinian national rights, because the State of Palestine exists and Palestinians will liberate it either through a political process or any other possible way.