Al-Kamandjati and El-Hakawati won the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award for the year 2016


Yasser Arafat Foundation organized a commemorative ceremony at the Ramallah Cultural Palace on the 10th of November 2016 to honor the late President Yasser Arafat through speeches, video presentations and dancing performances. 
The Yasser Arafat Achievement Award was given to Al-Kamandjati Association and El-Hakawati Theatre Company for the year 2016.  The ceremony began with a video of Yasser Arafat declaring the independence of the State of Palestine in Algiers.  
Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yaf, spoke “We are proud of the results of the Museum inauguration, as it is the most important cultural and educational institution in Palestine that represents the history of the Palestinian memory, narrative of a people and history of a leader.” 
Alkidwa proposed ten key points on how to get out of the current impasse facing the Palestinian National Project.  It starts with the achievement of independence and the exercise of sovereignty in the State of Palestine on 1967 borders as well as redefining the general approach towards solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  It is a political solution that excludes military actions and affirms the struggle in all fields. In addition, his ten key points included transferring political and sovereignty matters to the PLO, excluding negotiations without clear agreed upon basis that is sanctioned internationally, restoring the value of the Palestinian institution, and regaining national unity, politically and geographically that meets with four requirements: 1) To go back to the situation pre 2007 through the acceptance of Hamas to give up its control over Gaza in all walks of life. 2) Full political partnership in the PLO, the government and bureaucracy of the authority through the acceptance of Fatah to give up its control over the current regime and to build a new regime based on partnership. 3) The presence of clear political basis including the agreement on the central national goal which should be the crux of the political program of the PLO. 4) The acceptance of the democratic nature of the regime and the rotation of power.  

Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamdallah spoke “Yasser Arafat was the heart of Palestine and Palestine was the soul of Yasser Arafat.  Today marks the 12th anniversary of his absence and thus we revive and embody our national identity today. His thoughts of our homeland and freedom will always be alive within us”
Towards the end of the ceremony, Ali Muhanna, Chairman of the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award Committee announced the winning institutions and two short videos of Al-Kamandjati and El-Hakawati were presented to introduce their important achievements and works.