Minister of State for External Affairs of India visits Yasser Arafat Museum prior to its official opening


Mr. M.J Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs of India and the Indian Diplomat Chinmaya Gharekhan visited Yasser Arafat Museum on Tuesday 8th of November 2016.  They were received by Dr.Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of YAF, Ahmad Soboh, Director General of YAF and Mohammad Halayka, Director of the Museum.
Alkidwa escorted the Indian delegation on a tour around Yasser Arafat Museum and Mausoleum, including the old presidency headquarters where the 34-month siege imposed by the Israeli occupation took place. 
The official opening ceremony of Yasser Arafat Museum will be on Wednesday 9th of November, attended by President Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League, and other Arab and international figures.