A Training Workshop at Yasser Arafat Foundation


Yasser Arafat Foundation organized a training workshop for the executives and leaders of the Yasser Arafat summer camp that will be held in Northern, Central and Southern West Bank. 
Dr. Ahmad Soboh, Director General of YAF, gave a summary about the programs and activities of the Foundation as well as the importance of the summer camps that carry the name of the late president to educate the emerging Palestinian generations about his legacy and the history of the Palestinian National cause.
The training course that was facilitated by Nayef Shtayyeh mainly focused on how to convey the life of Yasser Arafat and the values he left to children through drama, creative writing, art, music and other forms of alternative education.   
In addition, YAF distributed a biography of Yasser Arafat, a training manual to guide the leaders on the technical training skills, and some movie and documentary productions by the Foundation to the participants. 
At the end of the training workshop, Reem Masrouji, representative of the Palestinian Society for Consumer Protection, gave a lecture on boycotting Israeli products. 
It is worth mentioning that the Yasser Arafat summer camps are held for the first time this year by Yasser Arafat Foundation in partnership with the National Committee for Summer Camps in ten locations around the West Bank: Dura, Hebron, Bethlehem, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ramallah and its surrounding villages.