Yasser Arafat’s Board of Trustees Holds its 9th Meeting in Cairo


On 23 February 2016, Yasser Arafat Foundation’s (YAF) Board of Trustees held its 9th meeting at the Headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo.
Mr. Amro Moussa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, welcomed the audience and affirmed on the need to keep up with the important work done by YAF, recalling the significant role of the late President Yasser Arafat to fight for the Palestinian cause and other Arab issues.  
Nabil Al-Araby, Secretary General of the Arab League, affirmed that Israel is the only country in the world that takes advantage of time and considers it a strategic aim. This is because gaining time allows Israel to continue its policy of settlement expansion, create new facts on the ground and steal more Palestinian lands.
In his speech, Al-Araby expressed his support to the foundation and to Arafat’s extraordinary journey as he is remembered today for his bravery, will, courage, wisdom and faith especially when it comes to the Palestinian cause. Yasser Arafat is a symbolic leader for the Palestinian national cause and identity, resistance, sacrifice and struggle to return all Palestinian rights and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. 
Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, YAF’s Chairman of the Board of Directors greeted in his speech all the attendees, guests and the new members who joined the Board of Trustees. He also talked about the foundation’s reports given by the Board of Directors to the Board of Trustees. 
Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, reviewed the overall situation in Palestine, mentioning his meetings with the martyr Yasser Arafat in “Camp David” in addition to the fundamental steps taken by the Palestinian leadership to hold an international peace conference. He also emphasized the need to end division and revive the Palestinian national unity in this critical stage. 
Nouhad Al-mashnouq; Lebanese Minister of Interior, Nabil Fahmi; Egyptian Former Foreign Minister, Mustafa Othman; Sudanese Former Foreign Minister, Salam Fayyad; Palestinian Former Prime Minister and many other Palestinian and Arab figures attended the meeting. 
Furthermore, a documentary film was presented during the meeting about the iconic and revolutionary President; Abu Ammar and his heroism, commitment and will toward national unity.
It is worth to be mentioned that Yasser Arafat Foundation’s Board of Trustees is comprised of almost a hundred of high-ranking Palestinian and Arab figures and its honorary Chairman is President Mahmoud Abbas.