Alkidwa Affirms on the Need to Put Forth Efforts to Release Al-Qiq


Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yasser Arafat Foundation and member of the Central Committee of Fatah Movement, accompanied by Dura Province Committee in Fatah and its mayor and several figures from the city visited the protest-tent to support Mohammad Al-Qiq,the hunger-striker prisoner in Dura. 
Alkidwa was welcomed by Al-Qiq’s father and some of his family members and supporters. They discussed the urgent need to put forth real work and efforts to release Al-Qiq and transfer him into a Palestinian hospital for treatment. Moreover, everyone at the protest tent affirmed their solidarity with Al-Qiq and the rest of the brave prisoners in Israeli jails. 
Yatta Province in Fatah Movement arranged a festival to commemorate the 28th annivarsy of the three leaders Abu Hasan Al-Qasem, Hamdi Sultan and Marwan Kayali during which Dr. Alkidwa gave a long political speech regarding the current Palestinian situation. Also, Hasan Saleh, the retired Major-General, gave a speech on the three martyrs. The festival ended by honoring the families of the three martyrs and a number of officials. 
Furthermore, Alkidwa visited the two martyrs Mohammad Jamjoum and Atta Al-Zeer’s relatives in Yatta. The purpose of the visit was to search for the documents concerning the three martyrs Mohammad Jamjoum, Atta Al-Zeer and Fouad Hejazy to be used in Yasser Arafat Museum.