Yasser Arafat Foundation open the eighth session to its Board of Trustees


Cairo - the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo embraced this morning the eighth meeting of the Board of Trustees of Yasser Arafat Foundation. The meeting began with a speech by Mr. Amr Moussa, the head of the Board of Trustees, where he stood on the importance of reviving the tenth anniversary of the martyr President Abu Ammar. It also touched on the difficult reality through which the Arab nation is going and the need to take advantage of the march of Abu Ammar and his work to create leprosy rows and unity and the need to confront the risks to the Palestinian issue.


Mr. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, also spoke about the importance of the work of Yasser Arafat Foundation to preserve his legacy and history as an essential part of national memory. He also called for Palestinian unity and an end to the division, moreover, to support the Arab League to move the Palestinian leadership to the United Nations and the international community.


Ambassador Jamal Shobaki, Ambassador of the State of Palestine, also spoke, conveying the greetings of President Mahmoud Abbas and his wishes of success.


D. Nasser Al-Kudwa, Chairman of the Board of Directors at YAF, provided reports regarding the work of the Foundation Board of Trustees in terms of programs, activities and special events in the tenth anniversary of the martyr President Yasser Arafat. In addition, the construction of the museum has finished and now it is being prepared for the opening to the public during the current year.


It should be noted that the Trustees of Yasser Arafat Foundation board includes one hundred Palestinian and Arab of various countries of whom there are politicians, businessmen, journalists and civil society representatives. The meeting also discussed in detail and adopted the reports submitted and some approved the need for additions to its membership. By-elections were held for the membership of the Board of Directors.


The Board started the meeting with prayers for mercy on the spirit of President Abu Ammar as they did on the spirit of f Said Khoury, Hani Fahs and Jafar Tukan, the deceased members of the Board of Trustees during the last year. The Board, moreover, discussed and adopted the financial report and the report of the external control over the accounts. The board called to increase the donation and support needed to complete the finishing of preparation and operation of the museum.


The Board of Trustees holds an annual meeting at the end of February of each year in the League of Arab States and decided the next meeting at the end of February 2016.