Yasser Arafat Foundation organized a fun day for the children of Palestinian prisoners


 in collaboration with Prisoners' Club and  prisoner affairs Yasser Arafat Foundation organized a fun day for the children of Palestinian prisoners, in theme parks Michmash Bitounia.

In the presence of General Manager of Yasser Arafat Foundation and Ahmed Subuh and the head of Prisoner Club Qaddura Fares, and participation of young volunteers from the Palestinian Dream Foundation,

 The event included several things, including the definition of the day the prisoner and martyr Yasser Arafat, who were care alot about the children of prisoners, then the kids spent time in the Games of the amusement park, and at the end of the day the children were taken to the tomb of the martyr Yasser Arafat to deliver their greeting to the founding president and here was the end of the event.