Yasser Arafat Foundation implement the project


Yasser Arafat Foundation Began since January 2015 in partnership with Sourif Association for Higher Education implementing the project "academic excellence" to help the poor students from high schools in Sourif -alkhalil and support them in order to pass the first stage of education at least.

This  contribution comes within the charitable and humanitarian and academic, social and cultural goals of the foundation to serve  the Palestinian people, President Yasser Arafat was always careful to different sectors of the Palestinian people, especially those who are most need of help, even simple.

This project also aims to increase the literacy rate in the villages and refugee camps and avoid the issue of dropping out of school due to financial distress and the project opens the doors to those who are less fortunate to complete his education and access to higher educational degrees in order to get a job later.

It should be noted that Yasser Arafat Foundation will continue in partnership with Sourif Association for Higher Education in the implementation of the project until the end of the current academic year in June 2015.