Opening of the exhibition "Displacement" at the Yasser Arafat Museum


The Yasser Arafat Foundation inaugurated the "Displacement" exhibition in the presence of Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, who represented President Mahmoud Abbas, at the Exhibition Hall of the Yasser Arafat Museum, on, Tuesday 14/2/2023. The inauguration was in the presence of Intisar Al-Wazir (Umm Jihad), head of the Yasser Arafat Museum Committee, and member of the PLO's Executive Committee, Saleh. Raafat, Secretary of the Revolutionary Council of the "FATH" Movement, Majid Al-Fitani, and Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Director General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, Muhammad Halayqa, Director of the Yasser Arafat Museum, members of the Yasser Arafat Foundation Board of Directors, members of the Museum Committee, and Palestinian and foreign political, cultural, and media figures. As well as ambassadors from several nations in Palestine.

Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh emphasized the relevance of this exhibition in recording settler colonialist crimes and considered it to be a document to be given to the International Criminal Court against settlements and settler terrorist actions.

Shtayyeh said: We launch this exhibition that replicates the continuous onslaught on our land, which depicts the ugliness of settlements, and also indicates that we will remain faithful and loyal to our land to form our state with Jerusalem as its capital. He thanked the Yasser Arafat Foundation's administration for this exceptional, distinguished, and great effort in preserving, displaying, and documenting the crimes of Israeli colonialism and occupation, and for ensuring that Palestine remains in the hearts of every Palestinian, Arab, and free and honorable person in the world.

Dr. Shtayyeh called for the US and the EU to exert pressure on Israel's occupation to halt plans to develop additional settlement units in the West Bank and to strip citizenship from Israeli settlers who possess dual passports and reside in settlements.

Dr.Shtayyeh viewed the exhibits in the Exhibition Hall, such as the village of ( Nabi Samuel), the Dawabsheh family in the village of (Duma), (Beita), and all Palestinian cities, as a model of the escalation in which the distance between the occupational army and the settlers will narrow as they work together to attack Palestinian.

It should be emphasized that the Yasser Arafat Museum's 10th exhibition sheds light on one of the most serious difficulties confronting the Palestinian people. But the Palestinian people and through their tenacity and resistance, can overcome these hurdles and accomplish their rightful aspirations of freedom and independence on their land.