Al Dahiriyah Boys Secondary School wins first place in the National Knowledge Competition in its fifth season


 Al Dahiriyah Boys Secondary School won first place in the national knowledge competition in its fifth season 2021/2022, in the final session, in Al-Mutanda Hall at the Yasser Arafat Museum. Sebastia Secondary Co-education School came in the second place, while Kafr Raei Girls' Secondary School from the Qabatiya Directorate came in the third place.

This came in the presence of the Director-General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Assistant Undersecretary for Student Affairs at the Ministry of Education, Sadiq Al-Khdour, Director General of Activities Abdul Hakim Abu Jamous, Director of Yasser Arafat Museum Muhammad Halayqa, Deputy Director-General Mansour Tahboub, Director of Cultural Activities in the “Ministry of Education” Hamid Makho, representatives from the Foundation, the Ministry, and the families of the participating students.
At the end of the final, Dr. Soboh prayed for of mercy for the martyrs of the city of Jenin who were killed by the arrogance of the occupation that morning, wishing a speedy recovery for the wounded and freedom for the prisoners, stressing the importance of the competition and its continuation for what it represented in enhancing Palestinian knowledge and national identity among students, increasing their knowledge areas, and preserving the legacy of the Palestinian national movement and the Palestinian struggle.

Soboh expressed the Foundation's pride in partnering with the Ministry of Education:” including directorates, schools, teachers, students, and supervisors, in publishing this competition, which is the jewel of our programs, and the continuous cooperation with the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation to deliver the message and the goal of the competition to all families of the State of Palestine through their screen.” stressing that the Foundation is open with the Ministry of Education To submit any suggestions to evaluate and correct the competition and work on developing it after five successful seasons.

In turn, Al-Khdour expressed the "Ministry of Education" pride for partnering with Yasser Arafat Foundation and Palestine TV to complete the competition that overlooks all Palestinian homes with national and historical information on our cause.

And he added, "Today, we are near the tomb of the late President Yasser Arafat, and we repeat one of his famous phrases, "O mountain no wind can shake you " to convey his message to our students in spreading national and historical values and knowledge and protecting this generation as the desired goal of the Ministry of Education to move forward in the competition which is a milestone and an integral part of the cultural activity.

The Yasser Arafat Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, and cooperation with the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, launched a national knowledge competition in November 2021 for the fifth year in a row, on the same date as the first, second, third, and fourth year.
The competition revolves around the most important events that have passed through the Palestinian cause during nearly a hundred years of conflict. The story of the Yasser Arafat Museum was adopted as a reference so that the participating students made field visits to the museum to facilitate understanding the information and keep it in memory.

In its first phase, about 100,000 students in schools affiliated with the directorates of education in all governorates of the country were allowed to participate in the competition, and each school represented three of its students, including 18 schools for the second phase, which was qualified in Al-Muntada Hall at Yasser Arafat Museum and consisted of 8 episodes and 6 schools qualified from this stage.

The ceremony concluded with honoring the winners and participants, and handing out prizes to the winning teams, the first prize, which is a high-spec laptop computer and the amount of four hundred dollars in cash, for each of the three students from Al Dahiriyah Secondary School; It got first place.

The second prize; is a high-specification iPad and a sum of three hundred dollars in cash for each of the three female students from Sebastia Secondary Co-ed School. The third prize; is a high-specification "tablet" device and a sum of two hundred dollars for each of the three female students from Kafr Ra'i Secondary School for Girls.