Yasser Arafat Foundation Hosts Fifth Dialogue Forum in Cairo (11/3/2019)


Following the twelfth meeting of its Board of Trustees, Yasser Arafat Foundation and the Embassy of Palestine in Cairo hosted its fifth annual Dialogue Forum.  Entitled “Towards Specific Answers to Current Challenges,” the Forum was co-moderated by Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, H.E. Amr Mousa, and the Chairman of its Board of Directors, Dr. Nasser Alkidwa. 
Among the distinguished speakers at the Forum were former Prime Minister of Italy, Massimo D’Alema; grandson of Nelson Mandela, Mandla Mandela; member of the Executive Committee of the PLO and Central Committee of Fatah, Azzam Al-Ahmad; Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Hossam Zaki; Chairman of the Supreme Follow-Up Committee for Arabs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Mohammad Baraka; and other members of the Yasser Arafat Foundation Board of Trustees. 

The Forum primarily focused on the position to be taken at the upcoming Arab Summit that will will be held shortly in Tunis to call on the U.S. administration to respect the two-state solution and Palestinian national rights and to abolish settler colonialism.  The speakers addressed the significant changes in the Israeli position to impose a status quo through settler colonialist expansion and Judaizing Jerusalem. 
The Forum also emphasized the importance of restoring national, political, and geographic unity through ending Hamas’s control of the Gaza Strip; developing full partnerships among all Palestinian factions based on a unified political agenda with the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people; programs and commitments. The speakers also discussed the need for Palestine to restore its status in the Arab and international arenas and reaffirmed their unwavering support for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land against the occupation and its policies. 

The Forum also stressed the need to adhere to the Arab Peace Initiative and reject all attempts to impose normalization with Israel separate from a just solution for Palestine.