Yasser Arafat Foundation Commemorates the 14th Anniversary of the Passing of Yasser Arafat (10/11/2018)


Yasser Arafat Foundation commemorated the 14th anniversary of the passing of the late President Yasser Arafat at the Ramallah Cultural Palace on the 10th of November 2018. The 2018 Yasser Arafat Achievement Award was granted to Birzeit University. 

Among the dignitaries at the commemoration were Secretary-General of the Palestinian Presidency Altayeb Abdel Rahim, members of the Executive Committee of the PLO and Central Committee of Fatah, and Arab and international ministers and diplomats. 

In his welcoming speech, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Dr. Nasser Alkidwa remarked, “We meet on this national occasion to reaffirm our loyalty to the journey of Yasser Arafat to resist all hardships that beset our country.” 
Altayeb Abdel Rahim conveyed the greetings of President Mahmoud Abbas, expressing their commitment to follow in the footsteps of the late President Yasser Arafat. 

Chairman of the Award Committee Ali Muhanna reported that the Committee had received a large number of nominations and that all were carefully evaluated according to the Award bylaws and regulations. 

The Committee granted the 2018 Yasser Arafat Achievement Award to Birzeit University in recognition of its outstanding role as an institution of higher learning and contributions to Palestinian society in the scientific and academic fields. 
Receiving the award on behalf of Birzeit University, the Chairman of its Board of Trustees, Dr. Hanna Nasir, thanked the Foundation’s Award Committee, Boards of Directors and Trustees, and staff for their important work and contributions on the national level. He continued, “It is our privilege and honor to receive the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award, on the 14th anniversary of the passing of the founder Yasser Arafat, the eternal symbol of Palestine.  We will continue the struggle to liberation, with Jerusalem as our capital.”

The commemorative ceremony also featured an outstanding presentation of the poem "Ya Saheb Al-Bayt" by Ahmad Dahbour, composed and performed by Saeed Murad and orchestra, and Palestinian folk dance by the Rosary Sisters School Troupe.