Completion of Yasser Arafat Summer Camps Program 2018


The program of Yasser Arafat Summer Camps organized by the Foundation in ten locations around the West Bank was completed on Sunday 29 July 2018.

It is important to note that Yasser Arafat Foundation also contributed to the organization of two summer camps in Gaza: Yasser Arafat Summer Camps at the Right to Live Society for Children with Down syndrome, and Al-Bayt Al-Samed Foundation. 

1000 children between the ages 8-13 have participated in the summer camps.  The duration of the program lasted for three weeks, under the supervision of more than 100 volunteers, which included different extracurricular activities, such as drama, music, art, creative writing and many others.  The main objective of the summer camps was to revive the history and heritage of Yasser Arafat, as well as to reinforce and promote the significance of the Palestinian national culture, citizenship, values of democracy and nationalism.

Through a comprehensive program created specifically for Yasser Arafat Summer Camps, the story of Yasser Arafat and his greatest achievements were solidified in the children’s minds.

Yasser Arafat Summer Camps are organized for the third consecutive year by the Foundation in ten locations around the West Bank.