Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Nelson Mandela


In cooperation with the South African Representative Office, Yasser Arafat Foundation organized a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. Held on the 19th of July 2018, at Ramallah Municipality Theatre, the ceremony was attended by numerous prominent Palestinian and international figures.

The program began with the national anthems of South Africa and Palestine and featured remarks by Dr. Ahmad Soboh, Director General of Yasser Arafat Foundation; Intissar Alwazir (Um Jihad), member of the Board of Directors of Yasser Arafat Foundation; and H.E. Ashraf Suleiman, Ambassador of South Africa to Palestine.  The ceremony also included an Afro-Dabke performance by the Popular Art Centre and the short film, Mandela 1918-2013, produced by Yasser Arafat Foundation. 

A reception followed the ceremony in the lobby of Ramallah City Hall and featured the exhibition, Heroes, iconic photos of Yasser Arafat and Nelson Mandela.

The commemoration of the centenary of Mandela’s birth is particularly meaningful at this time in view of Israel’s unceasing attempts to legitimize the policies of apartheid, the regime that also ruled South Africa.  The Palestinian people have profound empathy and respect for the struggles of the people of South Africa and greatly appreciate their support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and other nations.