Yasser Arafat Foundation Hosts Fourth Dialogue Forum

Following the 11th meeting of its Board of Trustees, Yasser Arafat Foundation and the Embassy of Palestine in Cairo hosted a dialogue forum for the fourth consecutive year.  Entitled “Palestinian Cause: Challenges and Prospects,”  the forum was co-moderated by the chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Amr Mousa and the chairman of its Board of Directors, Dr. Nasser Alkidwa. 
Presentations by the Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov; Head of the Higher Follow-Up Committee for Arabs in the Occupied Territory, Mohammad Barakeh; former Foreign Minister of Spain, Miguel Moratinos; journalist Abdallah Alsinawi, and Dr. Alkidwa addressed on the challenges facing the Palestinian cause.  Among the principals' issues raised are the need to resist the settler colonial project and the U.S. Administration’s unbalanced role in the peace process and its recent decision regarding Jerusalem, widely viewed as illegitimate.
The speakers also addressed the importance of ending Palestinian division and restoring its national political and geographic unity, through developing a partnership among all Palestinian factions based on a unified political program with the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The racist Israeli laws enforced on Palestinians in the occupied lands of 1948 were also discussed.
Among the distinguished Arabs and Palestinians who have participated in the Dialogue Forums are former President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen Ali Nasir Mohammad; former Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil Elaraby; Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League for Palestine and the Occupied Arab Territories, Ambassador Said Abu Ali; the Ambassador of Palestine in Cairo and Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Diab Allouh, along with other ambassadors, Arab League representatives, and members of the Board of Trustees of Yasser Arafat Foundation.