38th Yasser Arafat Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Held in Amman

The 38th meeting of the Board of Directors of Yasser Arafat Foundation was held on the 9th of October 2017 in Amman, Jordan.  Headed by Dr. Nasser Alkidwa, Chairman of the Board, the meeting was attended by a majority of members.
Among the agenda items, the Board discussed and approved the program of the commemorative ceremony of the 13th anniversary of the passing of President Yasser Arafat, including the recommendations for the Yasser Arafat Achievement Award 2017, which will be presented to one or two nominees during the commemorative ceremony.
The Board reviewed the work of Yasser Arafat Museum as a national, cultural and educational space for Palestinian and international visitors, and proposed methods to enhance the performance of the Museum.
Marking the occasion of this tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Foundation, the Board members also affirmed their satisfaction with its performance and accomplishments.