900 Kids Participate at Yasser Arafat Summer Camps


Yasser Arafat Summer Camps, organized by YAF, officially started on Sunday, the 9th of July 2017, in nine locations around the West Bank.

The Summer Camps provide educational, cultural and recreational opportunities to raise awareness and educate the youth about the legacy and heritage of Yasser Arafat, citizenship and democracy. The program of the summer camps offers a wide variety of activities, including drama, arts and crafts, music and many others.

As noted by Dr. Ahmad Soboh, Director General of YAF, the main objective of the summer camps is to reinforce and promote the importance of the Palestinian national culture, history of Palestine and the inalienable rights of its people.

Yasser Arafat Summer Camps are organized for the second consecutive year by the Foundation in nine locations around the West Bank.