Jafar Touqan - (1938-2014)


-    Born in 1938 in Jerusalem
-    Graduated from the American University of Beirut in 1960. He is the son of the prominent Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan, writer of the famous poem Mawtini
-    One of the pioneering Palestinian-Jordanian architects and one of the most famous as well
-    He designed the Municipality of Amman in Ras al Ayn, and he belongs to several important committees including that of the National Gallery. Ja'afar Tuqan also designed the Royal Automobile Museum in Amman Jordan, as well as the Central Bank of Jordan building.
-    He is the recipient of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture for his 1991 design of a Children's Village - Aqaba, Jordan
-    He is also the nephew of both the Jordanian Prime Minister Ahmad Toukan and the famous Palestinian poet Fadwa Tuqan and thus a member of the prominent Tuqan family
-    He died on November 25th, 2014 in Amman, Jordan