Ali Abdullah Saleh


Arafat was not defeated. He did never forfeit the rights of his people and homeland. 

The passing of President Yasser Arafat is a grievous loss for his homeland of Palestine and for the Arab and Islamic nations. 

I have been bereaved with the departure of my dear brother, great struggler, and martyr of the nation President Yasser Arafat. His passing is a grievous loss for his homeland of Palestine and for the Arab and Islamic nations. The late President, may he rest in peace, was a historic, exceptional Arab leader.

The late Leader guided the path of Palestinian struggle with all wisdom, determination and might. He confronted the harshest disasters and challenges. He was not defeated, nor did he ever forfeit the rights of his people and homeland. On the contrary, he was more perseverant and adherent to the right of Palestinian people to self-determination and establishment of their independent State on their national soil, with Jerusalem as its capital. 

Paying the last honours to this great struggler after his longstanding struggle in the cause of his homeland and people, I feel deep sadness and exorbitant loss of my brother struggler Yasser Arafat. He passed in especially difficult conditions in which the Palestinian cause and Arab nation face a fierce attack and serious challenges posed by Israel.



* President of the Arab Republic of Yemen